Web to Lead provides you with Real-time matching and routing experience in LeadAngel.
When there is a need to take quick sales action on any leads then this web form feature helps not only to create the leads by filling and submitting the form but also by matching and routing the lead to the Sales rep.
Completion of the process lets you schedule a meeting with a routed user calendar. The meeting link is returned after the successful routing.
You can generate a Web form from the LeadAngel UI and embed it into your website. You can directly create a lead in any CRM using this web form.
To create a Web Form the user has to go through the following steps:
Step 1: Go to Administration and click on Web to Lead.
a. Select Referral Domains from the sub menu:
The generated web-to-lead form should be hosted in any of the given referral domains. Otherwise, it will get rejected by the application. If you want to allow all domains to submit your form then select Accept all domains.
The list of domains specified by you will only be allowed to submit your form. Any other referrer will be rejected by the LeadAngel.
b. Click on Add Domain URL
c. Fill domain URL where you can host the generated web form.
d. Click on Save.
Step 2: After adding the domain URL the next step is to create forms.
a. Right-click on forms from the submenu to create a New Form.
b. Give the New Form a Name, add a description, and Save.
As you click on save you will be redirected to the Setup page.
c. Enter the following information in the setup page:
1. Lead Router: Select one approved Lead Router as a default lead router for this Webform.
2. Default Calendar: You must specify a calendar URL to use it when no personal meeting link is given.
3. Thank you page/ Return URL: You'll need to specify the URL where you will get your response after you submit the web form. In case you do not have a LeadAngel calendar integrated then the LeadAngel Thank you page is available as the default thank you page for the Web to Lead form. The URL for the LeadAngel thank you page is https://app.leadangel.com/web2leadthankyou/
4. Sales Rep personal meeting Link: Select a field in the Sales Rep personal meeting URL to display that the meeting link exists in the field after form submission.
5. Redirect Option: You have two options to select from:
- Redirect to Calendar Link if available. If Calendar Link is not available, redirect to the Thank you page: By default, this option is selected.
- Always redirect to the Thank you page: You can select this option if you do not want to share any calendar link with the visitors after form submission.
6. Personal Meeting Link Details: You have two options to select from:
- Use the LeadAngel Calendar Link if available: By default, this option is selected and the user will be redirected to the LeadAngel Calendar scheduler page of the sales rep after the form is submitted.
- Use the Calendar Link on the CRM Users Profile if available: If selected then the user will be redirected to the calendar URL provided on the CRM Profile of the sales rep after the form is submitted.
*** If none of the above-mentioned Calendar links are available then the user will be redirected to the Thank You Page/Return URL.
In case of assigning to the sales team: If no sales rep is available, then the user will be redirected to the Queue Owner calendar booking link, and the lead will get assigned to the Queue Owner.
If the checkbox option “Assign to Queue Owner irrespective of their calendar availability” is checked in the detail tab of the sales team, in that case, the user can select any date and time slot for a meeting. Even if the queue owner is busy in the given time slot, the busy time slot will appear light blue and the user can double-book it.
If both the sales rep and Queue Owner are unavailable in that case:
- Either the user will be redirected to the Default Lead Owner calendar link and the lead will be assigned to the Default Lead Owner.
- Or the user will be redirected to the Fallback assignee’s calendar link and the lead will assigned to the Fallback assignee. Only if the queue owner has set a fallback assignee and selected the checkbox options provided in the detail section of the sales team.
In case of assigning to a sales rep: If the sales rep is inactive then the lead will be assigned to the Default Lead Owner.
7. Lead Re-routing
This feature enables you to reroute a lead with or without the PrimaryID, that has previously been assigned through a web-to-lead form, based on the below two specific conditions within a set time frame.
It's best to use this rerouting option in setups involving multiple assignment block flowcharts or flowcharts with Random Split using round-robin or weighted sales team configurations.
Routing using same assignment block if Lead is re-routed within: If selected, the lead will be re-routed to the same assignment block where it was initially assigned, as long as it's within the defined time frame. If the lead is rerouted after the specified time, then it will be routed to a different assignment block.
Reroute to the same Salesperson if Lead is re-routed within: When this option is checked, the lead will be assigned back to the same salesperson, provided the re-routing happens within the specified time frame. If the lead is rerouted after the specified time, then it will be routed to a different salesperson(as per the sales team definition that you have set).
None: If this option is selected, the lead will be treated as a new lead and routed according to the standard assignment rules, without considering its previous routing history.
8. Additional Setup
Accept all domains: If the checkbox is checked, the form will accept all email domains entered in the form.
Upload to CRM: If you want to upload the routed data back to CRM then select the option Upload to CRM. Also, for an event to be created in your CRM ( in Salesforce) this option must be selected.
Allow PrimaryID: The PrimaryID is a transactional identifier, a combination of email, first name, and last name of the lead, used to reroute the same lead by adding it into the HTML code of the form. The field is only visible in the HTML Code to be filled by the user, it will not be shown in the form. You can create your preferred value of PrimaryID by clicking on this checkbox.
If the checkbox is not checked the system will generate the PrimaryID automatically.
1. If a lead has to be re-routed using the PrimaryID according to any of the two re-routing options, within the specified time frame, the system will match the ID with the previous lead data and re-route as per the set condition.
2. If a lead has to be re-routed without checking the checkbox "Allow PrimaryID" according to any of the two re-routing options, within the specified time frame, the system will generate the PrimaryID using the combination of email, first name, and last name of the lead. And try to match it with the previous lead data. If it matches, the lead will be re-routed as per the set condition.
3. If any of the credentials like First Name and Last Name have been changed, it will alter the PrimaryID. In this case, the system will not be able to match the data and it will not re-route the lead as per the selected rerouting option.
9. Click on the Save button to finish the Setup.
d. Now click on Web to Lead Form
Select the fields which you want to include in the form. First name, Last name, Email, and Company are included by default. You can select a maximum of 20 fields (including the above 4 fields) to be included in the form.
Additional fields
You may click on some additional fields:
Include Available Date/ Time: To set the date and time for a meeting select this option. If you select this option the generated HTML form will contain a list of Time zones, and Time slots to select from. The selected Time slot is from Zero to Sixty minutes with a time interval of 15 minutes each.
Assignment Rollback Checkbox: This option has been added to set a time frame with a minimum of 2 minutes and a maximum of 15 minutes, in which a user is supposed to schedule a meeting with the sales rep. The LeadAngel app will count it as a lead or bonus lead for that sales rep based on the time.
In case:
- A user schedules a meeting within the selected time frame i.e., between 2 minutes to 15 minutes then it will be counted as a lead and will get assigned to that particular sales rep in a sales team. If leads with the exact details are resubmitted within the same time it will skip the routing process and the user will get the same response as the previous one.
- If a user does not schedule a meeting within the selected time frame then it will be counted as a bonus lead for that particular sales rep in a sales team. The queue position of the sales reps will remain the same. However, during routing, the router will prioritize selecting the sales rep with the highest bonus lead count first to assign the lead.
If no calendar link is provided, the user will be redirected to the thank you page with the routing details as a response.
Security Options:
You can enhance the security of web forms by checking reCAPTCHA to reduce spam. To create a reCAPTCHA, you must first click on the sub menu reCAPTCHA under the web to lead. Then you have to click on +Add reCAPTCHA in the top right corner. Enter the details Key name, Site name, and Security key. Click on ADD.
In the Web To Lead Form, click on the checkbox "Include re-Captcha" under security options and select the re-Captcha key Name from the drop-down list.
Step 3: Click on Generate to generate a Webform.
If any data inserted is invalid the form will show an error. The system will ask to provide the mandatory data marked in an asterisk ‘*’.
Step 4: Copy the generated HTML code and paste it into any editor as an HTML field. Save, deploy, and share with anyone who wants to use it.
Note: To ensure smooth lead routing, it is recommended to prevent multiple clicks on the submit button in your HTML form. Multiple submissions can affect the routing process, potentially creating duplicate or misrouted leads. Consider adding a restriction to limit repeated clicks on the form submission.