Partner Rep:
LeadAngel allows you to add multiple channel partner users or partner reps outside your CRM system and automates the distribution of the leads to them.
Step. 1 log in to
Step 2. Go to Administration > Partner Management > New Partner.
Step 3: Fill in the respective fields given.
Name: Name of the partner whom you want to add as a new partner rep.
Email ID: Email id of that particular partner rep.
Location: Location of that particular partner rep.
Specialty: Speciality of that partner, for example, marketing, sales, etc.
Custom Fields: Provide a custom value attribute, for example, a middle name, a sub-location, a performance score, etc. It could be any value that you want to add as a custom attribute.
Lead Delivery Preference via email: If selected, you have to provide the email id of the partner rep to whom an email will be sent whenever a lead is assigned to him/her with the following URLs having lead details attached to it:
Accept URL: A Partner rep can accept leads through Accept URL sent in the email.
Reject URL: A Partner rep can reject leads through Reject URL sent in the email. On clicking the Reject link, a new tab is opened with an auto-filled Lead Details Form with a checkbox labeled "Do you want the system to automatically reassign this lead to other users", this checkbox must be checked to enable the Reject button.
Update URL: A partner can only update the accepted and open leads through the Update URL sent in the email. The following fields can be manually updated and it will reflect on the Lead Detail page of CRM:
- Partner Lead Description
- Lead Status
- Partner Deal Reg. ID
- Partner Deal Amount
Once the lead is accepted, a "Lead Assignment has Expired" message will be displayed.
Step 4. After adding, you must provide Partner Admin role to the partner rep whom you want to access the Lead Management portal where a partner can log in and take action on the leads assigned to him/her.