Twilio Notifications refer to the messaging and notification services provided by Twilio, a cloud communications platform. In LeadAngel, Twilio Notification is used to notify the lead owner, sales reps, or sales team of the new OTS lead assignment.
Steps to set up Twilio Notification Template:
- Sign in at and select Administration.
- Go to the Notifications drop-down list and right-click on Twilio to create a New Twilio Notification Template.
Give the template a name. Select the router type Lead or Contact to send notifications, any one of the router types needs to be selected. Click save.
An added feature snippet that can be seen in the message body. When a user clicks on a snippet a box appears wherein you need to first select and choose an object both in the subject snippet and email body snippet viz. lead, account, lead owner, and the account owner.
- Add a message body for the template along with the various fields including lead accepts or reject links to be added through snippets.
- To use this Twilio Notification template in the Broadcast assignment type, you have to add the Twilio contact numbers of the recipients.
- Check the checkbox option “ OTS Broadcast Notification Recipients” to add the contact numbers.
- If you want to use this Twilio notification template for Live Claims or Direct Assignments then you don't have to add the contact numbers in the template.
- Click on the Save button.
*** The system will pick the contact number in the users' database in case of Live Claim and Direct Assignment. So you must have the Twilio contact numbers of the sales reps in the users' database.
How to use the Twilio Notification template in OTS Router
1. Sign in at
Go to Lead routing > OTS Router > Assignment block. If you are creating a new router then Right-click to create a new OTS router and set the Assignment Preferences.
- Select the assignment type for which you want to use the Twilio notification template.
- For the Live Claim and Direct Assignment type, select the assignment option to whom you want to assign the lead.
- For the Broadcast Assignment, you have to add the contact numbers in the template itself. The notification will be sent to those contact numbers only.
2. Click on the Twilio Notification checkbox under Notification Preferences.
3. Select the template from the list.
4. Click on the Save button.
The same process can be followed to use the Twilio Notification template in the Reassignment Setup.