1. LeadAngel Application is supported on following Microsoft Dynamics 365 Editions (Environment must have Dynamics 365 Apps Enabled)
- Sales Professional
- Sales Enterprise
- Sales Premium
- Microsoft Relationship Sales
2. Following licenses are required in addition to Dynamics 365 CRM
- Power Automate Premium: Power Automate is required to send and receive the HTTP request from the LeadAngel App
- Dataverse Premium Connector
3. Uninstall previous version if the new AppSource package is not compatible. Don’t worry, the data and lead router configuration is saved if the new package is installed with-in 7 days.
4. You must have admin privileges to access the following domains
- https://portal.azure.com/ (register application and create OAuth credentials)
- https://admin.powerplatform.microsoft.com/ (install the application in D365 environment, provide access)
- https://make.powerautomate.com/ (execute flow to merge/convert leads)