1. Next step is to create the application on Azure Portal for OAuth 2.0 access. Sign into Azure portal by using https://portal.azure.com
2. Search and Click on “App registrations”
3. Click on “New registration”
4. Enter a unique friendly app name and select the single tenant option. Click Register at the bottom of the page.
5. Copy following details and save on a notepad (along with Merge API and Lead Conversion API copied earlier)
- Application (client) ID
- Object ID
6. Click on “Certificates & secrets”
7. Under "Client secrets", click on "New Client Secret"
8. Enter certificate name, desired expiry and click on Add
9. Copy the Client Secret Value and paste it on the notepad along with other details. This is the only chance to copy the client secret value. If you could not copy client secret value and moved away from screen, you will need to create a new client secret certificate.
10. Click on “API Permissions”
11. Click on "Add a permission"
12. Select "Dynamics CRM"
13. Select "User Impersonation" and click "Add Permissions"
14. Click "Grant Admin Consent" for your organization