Steps to Set up Preferences
1. Sign in to
Go to Administration > Preferences
2. (a) Click on Preferences > Data Cleanup preferences
The following screen will appear where you have to select from the various options available.
As you click on any of the options under data cleanup preferences you will get sub-options to choose from. Select from the valid sub-options and click on Save.
2. (b) To set Dedupe Flagging preferences click on Preferences > Dedupe flagging preference.
The following screen will appear where you have to select from the various options available.
To properly identify duplicates based on the given flagging preferences, you can set up rules to specify which criteria must be met. Here’s a breakdown of how you might set these preferences:
Flagging Preferences: (All options will work for SFDC)
Email Only: Identifies duplicates solely based on the email address.
Company Name Only (including fuzzy matching): Identifies duplicates based on the company name with allowance for minor variations or spelling differences.
Email and Company Name (including fuzzy matching): Identifies duplicates when both the email and a fuzzy-matched company name match.
First Name, Last Name, and Company Name (including fuzzy matching): Identifies duplicates based on a combination of first name, last name, and a fuzzy-matched company name.
First Name, Last Name, and Phone Number: Identifies duplicates based on a combination of first name, last name, and phone number.
First Name, Last Name, and Email: Identifies duplicates based on a combination of first name, last name, and email address.
Duplicate Identification Conditions:
Any of these conditions must satisfy to identify duplicate: A record is flagged as a duplicate if it meets any one of the selected conditions.
All these conditions must satisfy to identify duplicate: A record is flagged as a duplicate only if it meets all selected conditions simultaneously.
Create Dedupe Group By:
To add the "Dedupe Group By" option, you can further refine how duplicates are identified by grouping records based on certain attributes before applying the flagging preferences. Here’s how this additional option can be structured:
Dedupe Group By:
Email: Group records by the domain part of the email address (e.g.,
Company: Group records by company name.
City: Group records by city.
State: Group records by state.
Country: Group records by country.
Dedupe Group By with Flagging Preferences:
When using the "Dedupe Group By" option, you first group records based on the selected attribute, and then apply the flagging preferences within each group. This can help to identify duplicates more effectively by narrowing down the scope of comparison.
To implement the "Select the Master Record" option and upload dedupe master group ID to the CRM, you need to define how the master record is determined and then associate a unique identifier (dedupe master group ID) with it. Here's how you can set up this functionality:
Select the Master Record:
Newest lead is the master record: Designates the most recently created lead as the master record.
Oldest lead is the master record: Designates the oldest lead as the master record.
Lead with most recent activity is the master record: Identifies the lead with the most recent activity (such as interactions, updates, etc.) as the master record.
Upload dedupe master group ID to CRM:
After determining the master record within each dedupe group, you'll need to upload a dedupe master group ID to your CRM. This ID serves as a unique identifier for the dedupe group, linking all duplicate records within the group to the master record.
As you click on any of the options under dedupe flagging preferences you will get sub-options to choose from. Select from the valid sub-options and click on Save.
Scenario-Based Considerations:
Initial Setup:
When setting up the dedupe flagging preferences for the first time, the system does not automatically upload dedupe flags for existing records. The flags will only apply to new or modified records going forward.
Removing Flags:
If a dedupe flag is removed, it does not clear the existing dedupe flag data in SFDC. The data remains intact, and only new deduplication processes will be affected by the removal of the flag.
Changing the Dedupe Flag Field:
If the field to which the dedupe flag is uploaded is changed, the new field will be used in future deduplication jobs. Existing records with dedupe flags in the old field remain unchanged, and only new or updated records will reflect the change.