This option provides multi-user functionality. Admin has complete control to add, edit, reset, or delete any user if required. Standard Users have edit access to limited data. Read Only User can only view and track the database. The Sales Team Manager will be able to see and edit everything under the "Sales Team". On the home page Administration, option will not be available and the Calendar option will be available if it is selected while creating the User. Sales Read Only User only lists the sales team that the user is part of. They can not take any action. If they are not part of any sales, they see a message "No date to display. You are not part of any sales team". Sales Read Only User when logging in will see a report "Round Robin Team Status" containing the following:
- Sales Person's Name
- Sales Team they are part of
- Leads Accrued for them
- Their position in the queue
- Their Status and
- Their Availability
Inactive status changes to active status when a new user accesses the available database. Data can be filtered based on data.
Steps to create a New User
- Sign in to
- Go to Administration > User and Access > New User.
- Click New User and select the desired role.
- If required, check the SSO enable option (must contact LeadAngel Support to configure the Organization’s SSO credentials).
- Finally, click on Add.