Email notifications are used to notify the lead owner, account executive, or any other sales team member of the new lead assignment.
You can include lead and account details in the email with the email notification.
You can also map BDR and Sales Reps, and notify a mapped sales rep (such as an account owner, etc.) when a new lead is assigned to BDR.
Below are some examples of use cases in the email notification feature
Case 1: If in case any mail merge field is not available then the mail delivered will contain that field as empty.
Case 2: If the lead owner and account team member or any other field is selected where the mail IDs are the same then the mail will be delivered only once.
Case 3: If a lead is not matched to an account, but the matched field is used in an email notification then the result will show an empty value.
Case 4: You can choose multiple account team roles to send notifications from the account team dropdown like senior developer, junior developer, channel manager, account manager, etc.
Case 5: If a user selects data that exist in the system it may happen that it doesn’t have an email ID and therefore, the mail will not be delivered.
Case 6: When a lead is qualified for auto conversion then the email notification and SFDC process builder will not work for that lead even if in the assignment block user has selected the "notify lead owner" option.
Set up
To begin with, you first have to create a template for the email notification feature to be selected from any of the routers.
How to create an email notification template?
Sign in at and select Administration.
Go to Notifications, right-click on the email, and a new email alert template will appear.
Click the + New email alert template.
Give the template a name. Select the router type to send email notifications, any one of the router types needs to be selected. Click save.
Click on the necessary recipient to whom the email notification has to be sent. For example to send an email to the lead owner, select the lead owner, likewise, the account owner, the account team, etc. You may check on "Notify based on the lookup field on Account" and select a field from the dropdown from where you want to look up to send an email to the mapped user.
Multiple email addresses must be separated with a comma.
A maximum of three lookup fields can be selected. Similarly, add recipients to whom you want to send a copy of the email notification from the Recipient CC section.
If you want to send the email notification to the lead owner-mapped ISR or account owner-mapped ISR click on the check box in the Recipient TO section. You will get a dropdown from where you have to select the ISR that is mapped to either the lead owner or account owner. Similarly, it can be selected in the Recipient CC section if the mail has to be sent as CC to the ISR.
An added feature snippet can be seen in the subject line and email body. When a user clicks on a snippet a box appears wherein you need to first select and choose an object both in the subject snippet and email body snippet viz. lead, account, lead owner, and the account owner.
If a user enters some invalid token in the snippet, then an invalid token will be printed as it is.
Then you must select fields that you feel are important to mention in the subject line and email body for the emails, viz., full name, company, country, state, etc. You can select more than one field in this section.
Finally, write the body of the email along with the various fields to be added through snippets.
How to use an email notification template in the router?
1. Sign in at and select any router. For example, click on Lead Management.
Go to Lead routing > Lead Router > Assignment block. If you are creating a new router then Right-click to create a new router and create a router.
Double-click on the assignment block, click on the Send notification email and finally select an email template you created for that particular router from the dropdown.
And you are ready to use this new feature at LeadAngel to send email notifications after you have matched and routed the lead.